TAG Aviation Asia receives Electronic Flight Bags (EFB) Approval for Paperless Cockpits

TAG Aviation Asia has become the first business aviation operator in Hong Kong to receive official approval from Hong Kong Civil Aviation Authority (HKCAD) to install electronic flight bags (EFB).

EFB is an electronic device located in an aircraft’s cockpit that provides various handbooks, documents, flight routes, flight notice, weather information and others to the flight crew. It is equipped with a basic calculation function and has a strong expedition ability, which can help to create the paperless cockpit.

With this industry-leaping approval, TAG Asia’s flight crew will be able to operate paperless cockpits with essential flight information on iPad EFBs and the aircraft installed system replacing the need to bring volumes of paper manuals into the cockpit.

Such technology not only ensures improved operational efficiency for pilots who will now have access to up-to-date essential information at the touch of a button but it also represents significant savings including a massive reduction of time and paper resources previously required in updating hard copies of manuals and charts.

In addition to a reduction in paper use and printing, TAG Asia aims to achieve savings in fuel consumption by reducing the weight of each pilot’s flight bag taken onboard.  On average, pilots have to carry hundreds of pages of operating manuals, navigation charts, reference handbooks, flight checklists, logbooks and weather information, which can weigh between 20 kg and 35 kg; significantly more than a 0.662-kg iPad.
