A Leader in business aviation crew training, renowned for it's training excellence
This means that our clients can complete all their courses in one location – a facility that has all the latest teaching amenities and an unrivalled reputation for training excellence. The TAG Global Training Centre provides two integrated services for both corporate and commercial jet personnel: TAG Global Training Ground Courses & the TAG Academy.

Training our pilots and cabin crew to be the best in the industry ensures that our passengers enjoy air travel in safety, comfort and style. TAG Global Training has gained an industry reputation for setting the standards in private aviation training. We now welcome pilots and crew from more than 130 other operators who benefit from our expertise.
We provide every ground school subject required to operate an aircraft either commercially or under the requirements of Part NCC.
TAG Aviation’s Cabin Crew Training Organisation (CCTO), the TAG Academy, is approved to deliver Cabin Crew EASA Attestations. Participants complete all the necessary subjects required to become an initial trained Cabin Crew member.
This program is also perfect for those looking for a new career as Cabin Crew or those who have previous flying experience wishing to obtain an EASA Attestation to take to an operator.
Duration: 2 days live learning plus 10 days in TGT classroom.
The course covers all of the required subjects needed to attain European Attestation. The subject matters are as follows:
- Aviation Security – Understanding the current threat to aviation.
- First Aid- To deliver basic life saving techniques.
- Safety and Emergency Procedures – Skills to deal with an inflight emergency.
- Dangerous Goods awareness- How to identify goods that could pose a threat to the aircraft or its occupants.
- Survival – Practice in water how to survive after a water landing and the various terrains that you could be exposed to.
- CRM- Understand the elements of Human factors in incidents and accidents.
- Fire and Smoke- Practical training in correctly extinguishing an inflight fire and fire prevention.
APPROVED DELIVERY - TAG Aviation is an approved cabin crew training organisation. https://www.transport.gov.mt/Aviation/Approved-Organisations-Operators/Cabin-Crew-Training-Organisations-687
TAG Global Training has delivered training to pilots and cabin crew since 2007 and gives clients the opportunity to complete all their training in one location, a ‘one-stop shop’ located in Farnborough, United Kingdom, for a highly convenient, unrivalled training experience.
Our Sister Training Company –in Hong Kong
Flight Training Resources (FTR) is the Hong Kong based sister training company of TAG Aviation. FTR provides professional and customized aviation training to aircrew.
The training centre was started in February 2018 and is part of the Flight Training Group alongside Flight Training Adelaide (FTA) and Flight Training Queensland (FTQ).
FTR's training ethos is focused on raising the safety standard within corporate aviation, rather than simply fulfilling the minimum requirements.
Our training provider for TAG trained pilots
Flight Training Adelaide (FTA) based in Adelaide, Australia is the training provider for our TAG Trained Pilots programme. Established in 2015, the TAG Trained Pilots programme, sponsors TAG Aviation employees to become a pilot from ab-initio to a full type rating. FTA is a sister company of TAG Aviation.
Consult with our team to get a customised crew training solution.